From time to time all of us are getting sick and have to go to the doctor. Also if it is nothing serious, we need to visit him, when we like to have day off at work. Also, every now and then we have to get our eyes cured, get prophylactic appointment at neurologist or other expert.

doctor, health care

Autor: Ilmicrofono Oggiono
There are two sorts of treatment in Poland: public service or commercial clinic. Both has their disadvantagess and advantages. Which one would be perfect for you? When you are a college student or employee hired at full time job, and in few another causes, you have chance to get treatment in Poland free of charge. You do not must to pay for an appointment to any kind of specialist. You could get your teeth fixed with no cost, as long as you prefer cheaper, black fillings- even useful site, well look.

You will have all the exams you need and operations also for free. But unfortunately, this method also has disadvantages. First of all, when you need just common appointment at any kind of specialist, you need to record to internist first – and the queue is very long. (Prosthetics) After waiting for many weeks, you will visit him, and ask for appointment to another doctor if it’s necessary. Then, you need to wait, again. Some kind of experts are very busy – for oculist you will must to wait for half year.

Different way for you to get fixed or just been examination, is to go to the commercial clinic. This type of treatment in Poland is much quicker then the first one. You just have to choose specialist you require, such as gynecologist for example, so you go to the specific clinic. You register, and after several hours or one day you are able to see the specialist. Also, if you wish to see neurologist, you just go to him, you do not need to visit internist first. But of course, this sort of treatment also has a huge flaws.

health care clinic

Autor: shrinkin’violet
First of all, you need to pay a lot money for each procedure. For common check, each tooth you wish to cure, each examination. When you are not a rich person it may be to expensive for you. For example, for typical visit to the gynecologist, you have to pay like 100 – 200 zł, depend on city you are living in. Cause the huger is town the more expensive is treatment.

There are no finest method of treatment in Poland. When you have no time to wait for a visit, you must to have a lot of money to afford it. Also, when you don’t have a medical insurance, you aren’t able to get public treatment, it is only possible when your live will be at dangerous. So if you like to go to the psychologist, you have to be sure if you may afford it.